Advent is almost here! How will you prepare your hearts for receiving Christ in new ways at Christmas? This year the Jesuit Community of Belize is offering an online Ignatian retreat during Advent, and we would love for you to join! A “retreat” is a time of quiet prayer with the Lord. Sometimes people go off to a retreat house somewhere to make a retreat, but this will be a retreat “in everyday life.”
For those, who want to participate, you would go to the website each day to find the readings and reflections you’ll use for prayer. We would ask you to set aside 15-20 minutes per day to sit quietly with the prayer materials. Then, every Tuesday during Advent, all the people making the retreat from around Belize and the United States will meet via Zoom to talk together about what has been happening in their prayer. (We call that “faith sharing.”)
This will be an “Ignatian” retreat, which means that it is modeled after the spiritual approach of St. Ignatius of Loyola, who was the founder of the Jesuits. You will learn new ways of praying and new ways of thinking about sin and God’s mercy, as you prepare your heart for Christmas.
There is no cost for this retreat. You would just need to have an internet connect, and you
would need to commit to doing the daily prayer and the Tuesday night faith sharing.
We will have an information session on Tuesday, November 23rd at 6:30PM. If you are
interested in learning more, please send an email with your full name and phone number to:
